Showcase Your Reviews
When you have a GreatNonprofits profile page and reviews, you’re gaining exposure to missions of donors and volunteers not only on, but also through our partners.
Gain More Exposure with Review Syndication
That’s right!
GreatNonprofits works with GuideStar, JustGive, and dozens of other partners to showcase and power reviews about your nonprofit on those sites.
That means that when donors are going to GuideStar (for instance) to analyze you they’ll see your real-time reviews.
Now that’s powerful!

Boost Trust and Confidence
Did you know that, following the Better Business Bureau, the GreatNonprofits badge is the most trusted rating seal for donors?
Now you can choose from various colors and copy and paste the badge code to your website. When you use our code, badges can include your logo and star rating. We also have print versions you can use in direct mail and print materials!

Get Recognition. Show Off Your Top-Rated Status

All Top-Rated Awards winners get the FREE GreatNonprofits Top-Rated badge.
According to a research conducted by Software advice, the GreatNonprofits Top-Rated Badge is one of the most trusted among donors.
This badge can be used on your nonprofit website and marketing materials to show off your organization's status and impact.
For more information on the GreatNonprofit
Top-Rated Awards, visit our microsite at or click the button below.